Idaho State University Missing Man Chair of Honor
POW*MIA Awareness Association of Pocatello and Idaho State University to Dedicate Missing Man Chair
September 8, 2022
On Saturday, Sept. 17 the POW*MIA Awareness Association and Idaho State University will dedicate a Missing Man Chair inside Holt Arena.
A POW/MIA Missing Man Chair is a physical symbol of the thousands of American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action service members still unaccounted for from all wars and conflicts involving the United States. Missing Man Chairs can be found across the United States, including in many stadiums throughout the country.
The dedication will take place during the pre-game ceremony at 12:30 p.m. before the scheduled ISU football game starts at 1 p.m. The football game starts at 1 pm. The Missing Man Chair ceremony will take place shortly after 12:30 pm. The chair dedication on September 17 will mark the first collegiate Missing Man Chair dedication in the state of Idaho.
The Missing Man Chair project was the initiative of the Pocatello Chapter of POW*MIA Awareness Association. Members of the association approached George Casper, Director of Events for the Holt Arena and Stephen’s Performing Arts Center at ISU. With the support and approval of the President’s Office, planning soon began. ISU President Kevin Satterlee approved the donation of the space and chair inside Holt Arena. Steve Schaack and Caroline Lipka with ISU’s Athletic Department worked with the Pocatello Chapter of POW*MIA Awareness Association to coordinate the event.
According to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), as of August 23, 2022, the total number of Idaho servicemembers unaccounted for is 360; this includes one service member from Pocatello and one service member from Grace.
Idaho State University and POW*MIA Awareness Association Missing Man Chair Dedication
Saturday, September 17 at noon at the ISU Holt Arena
The chair will serve as a reminder to our veterans and their families that they are never forgotten.
This will be the first Missing Man Chair placed in a collegiate stadium in Idaho. Both the leadership of ISU and POW*MIA are super excited to a part of this dedication. Thank you, Nicki and Cami, for getting this started and Dawn for following through to the finish line.
ISU Continuing Education and Workforce Training
ISU and the Local chapter of the POW/MIA will dedicate a Missing Man Chair at Holt Arena on September 17, 2022.